Healing Centered Engagement Practitioner Certification Group Payment Form

Use the form below to purchase more than one certification course at a time. The names and email address for all those taking the certification will need to be provided in order to enroll them in the course.

Healing Centered Engagement Practitioner Certification

Organization Address(Required)
Contact Name(Required)
Contact Email Address(Required)
Please add all registrants below, including their full name and email address. If you will be taking the training as well, please indicate that or include your information in the list. If registering 10 or more users please use the Bulk Upload Form available with your confirmation.
If a different organization then the purchaser is using the training please provide that name or other information that may be helpful in matching the purchaser to the training.

Course Selection

Select the courses below by entering the Quantity of each course to being purchased.
Individual Course
Price: $550.00
Individual Course with Continuing Education Units provided by San Francisco State University
Price: $850.00
Continuing Education Units provided by San Francisco State University. This selection does not include the course. This can only be used when the course is completed so in addition to the purchase of the course.
Price: $300.00


I have been provided and agree to the linked purchase terms and conditions, Flourish Agenda Privacy Policy and Flourish Agenda Terms of Use. I am 18 years old or older and am approved to make purchases on behalf of my company. I understand that this purchase is non-refundable and that I have six months form the date of purchase to provide a complete list of individuals who will be taking in the training.
Card Address(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.