Our Work & Impact
We do the most interesting work in the world with results!
Our Clients
We've worked with a variety of national organizations, foundations, schools & educational institutions, and government agencies. Explore our case studies below.

National Organizations

In 2015, The National Guild for Community Arts hired Flourish Agenda to train a group of 60 arts educators in a one-day training focusing on integrating healing centered strategies into art-based curriculum. The training provided strategies for arts educators to address trauma among their student population.

Forward Promise is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation funds and supports organizations to provide culturally responsive programming to young men of color. In 2018, Forward Promise hired Flourish Agenda to document culturally responsive healing practices and provide technical assistance to 6 organizations. We provide each organization with healing centered curriculum development, programming and evaluation.

Youth Development Institute builds the capacity of youth serving organizations and city agencies in New York City reaching approximately thousands of young people every year. In 2017, Flourish Agenda partnered with YDI to bring healing centered strategies into their existing capacity building efforts.


Since 2018, Flourish Agenda worked closely with the Northwest Children’s Foundation to introduce healing centered strategies into the Seattle youth development workforce. In 2020, Flourish Agenda’s message reached nearly 1 million people around the world through the Foundation’s communications efforts. Healing Centered Engagement concepts are being implemented in hundreds of organizations around the globe.

Sherwood Foundation hired Flourish Agenda in 2019 to support and facilitate healing centered community. Working with 15 African American organizations in North Omaha whom have experienced years of trauma, Flourish Agenda worked with community leaders to heal years of harm in order to form a coalition of organizations that advocate for the well-being of black children and families in North Omaha.

In 2017, Sierra Health Foundation hired Flourish Agenda to support the Foundation’s Positive Youth Justice Initiative. In a day long training, Flourish Agenda trained probation officers and youth development professionals to recognize trauma in their youth population, and to create positive youth development culture in probation departments in California.

Internalized racism is a complicated barrier to healthy development of young people of color. In 2017, the Kellogg Foundation commissioned Flourish Agenda to conduct a national study of how internalized racism occurs in Asian, African American, Latinx and Indigenous communities. The project also documented innovative strategies that community organizations deploy to counteract the damaging impact of internalize racism among children and youth.

The Irvine Foundation wanted to double down on its investments in youth civic engagement. However, there was a dearth of research about youth civic engagement in the region where they wanted to invest. So in 2017, the Foundation hired Flourish Agenda to conduct a study of civic well-being among youth of color in the Inland Empire region of California. The research project was a deep dive of site visits, interviews and focus groups that painted an empirical picture of how the Foundation could invest its resources in the region.
School Districts

In 2017, San Francisco Unified School District approached Flourish Agenda to help advance its equity strategy in the district’s curriculum and instruction division. For over a year, the Flourish team lead a group of 20 district leaders in a healing center process which contributed to a new equity strategy within the district.

Sacramento Unified School District’s Division of Youth Development partnered with Flourish Agenda to train their 30 youth development professionals in a social justice approach to youth development. For over 2 years, Flourish Agenda supported the district with deepening their healing centered youth development strategy.

Interested in building a more robust social emotional strategy in Oakland schools, OUSD hired Flourish Agenda to consult on ways to enhance their multiple social emotional educational strategies. The Flourish team conducted several trainings, and advice on how to strengthen the district’s healing centered work.
Government Agencies

2019 marked the beginning of a partnership between Flourish Agenda and San Francisco’s Department of Children Youth and Families, a 300 million-dollar agency that provides funding youth serving organizations in the city. Flourish Agenda worked with the agency’s leadership to redesigned the Agency’s youth development capacity building structure.

The San Francisco Human Rights partnered with Flourish Agenda in order to support the capacity building activities of 12 African American serving organizations in the City. The Flourish team conducted site visits to learn about the organization’s needs and provided hands-on technical assistance to the organizations for over a year.

Oakland Unite is a coalition of organizations that provide front line violence interruption in the city. Dealing with violence can cause burnout and stress. The City of Oakland contracted with Flourish to design and implement a strategy to provide healing centered wellness strategies to coalition members.
of youth reported they are more aspirational.
of adults report having stronger relationships with youth.
of clients report having implemented effective equity strategies.
of educational leaders are using Radical Healing principles
and practices.
We're Here to Help
From consulting to experiences, Flourish Agenda has a robust set of services geared towards youth and youth-focused professionals. Find out how Flourish Agenda’s offerings can be tailored to fit your needs.